

前陣子倫敦的公車都可以看到 Juno 的海報,看海報直覺就以為是部 YA 片,還在想說 YA 片這麼下重本,狂打公車廣告。

剛剛看完,嗯,不只是單純的 YA 片而已。還加了些對生命議題、責任、領養等不常在 YA 片看到的元素,而且是用很正面的角度去面對青少年懷孕的議題。不過喜劇本來就很難深刻的去表現一個議題,往往只能從正面的角度切入,而避開了背後的那面。

話說回來,這部片還滿好看的耶。劇本寫的很聰明,節奏也很輕快,令人耳目一新。飾演 Juno 的 Ellen Page 很會演,把這位另類的女孩演的很讚。在地下室與Mark的對話,跟生產完後的這兩場戲表現的很棒,不像是20歲的演出。

剛查了 IMDB,Juno(8.3/10) 在今年的奧斯卡還獲得了四項提名:最佳影片、最佳女主角、最佳導演、最佳劇本,很傑出的成績,不過我想只有最佳劇本比較有機會吧。

下面是 Mac MacGuff(老爸) 對 Juno 講的一段話:

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who love you, for exactly love what you are /

good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome... whatever you /

right person still make sunshine from your ass /

that is the kind of person you could stay for a life

In the first half of Febuary, that could see many advertisements of Juno on the double-deck buses. When I first time saw this poster: "that is a YA film again" & "How much they paid for those advertisements?!"

Just finished watching, mum....that not just only a YA film. They put some things about life, responsibility, and adoption that are not usually in YA film. Moreover, that used a positive aspect to regard the issue of teenager's pregnancy. However, comedys are not easy to involve a serious issue deeply. That always use the positive way instead of dark side.

Whatever, Juno is an excellent comedy. Clever screenplay, bright rhythm, and fresh impression. Ellen Page who play the role of Juno is outstanding, Give this unique girl a colorful characteristic. Two scenes, conversation with Mark and scene after childbirth, are wonderful, that are better than the performances from 20 years old.

Check the IMDB. Juno(8.3/10) be nominated for 4 awards: Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Achievement in Directing, Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen. Neverless, I think that are just more opportunity for best screenplay .

Below is a word of Mac MacGuff (Juno's father):

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who love you, for exactly love what you are /

good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome... whatever you /

right person still make sunshine from your ass /

that is the kind of person you could stay for a life

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