
The Kingdom

The Kingdom (IMDB: 7.3/10)



會想要跟 Black Hawk Down (黑鷹計劃) 做比較,感覺有點像,或許 The Kingdom 也想拍出那樣的質感,可是我卻同時也聯想到 Die Hard (終極警探)系列.....



I will kill them all.

Don't fear them, my child. We will going to kill them all.


It can find director want to take a real war film. But the heroic perfermance at the street battle scene almost ruined director's dream. Finally, the ending of the film got more extra star.

At the beginnig, the terroristic action have more quality and film editing shows the nervous feel. Furthermore, the conflict between FBI and government attempt to show the reality of politics. However, the American way heroism make this file like a schizophrenic. In the one hand, film wants to show the reality. In the other hand, the studio dose not want to lose box office receipts because the file is too real.

In my opinion, the Kingdom is similar to Black Hawk Down. Maybe the Kingdown want to be that, too. But at the same time, I think about DieHard series.....

The most important is ending which make film have substance. The USA's conditin in the Middle East, like the film want to show, just leave profit and hatred. Unfortunately, that belong to different groups. Profit just is owned by a little of people, but the majority of people only shares hatred.

The alternate scenes at the end of film:

"I will kill them all."

"Don't fear them, my child. We will going to kill them all."

But who said which one is not important anymore.

schizophrenia [n.]

a serious mental illness in which the way you think and feel is not connected with what is really happening 精神分裂症

1 [adj.]

1. someone who is schizophrenic has schizophrenia

2. frequently and suddently changing your opinions and attitudes

schizophrenic2 [n.]

someone who has schizophrenia 精神分裂症患者

2 意見:

Anonymous 提到...

我也有看這部, 不過說實在的,前半部真的悶得有點快睡著了....

倒是 Black Hawk Down 連續槍林彈雨疲勞轟炸, 還比較不會睡著...

sharise1010 提到...






